";Creative Art Workshop" - Online Project with SCI Switzerland

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April 30, 2021


A fantastic online volunteering opportunity for creative souls! 

Project Dates: 09 to 21 August 2021

Volunteers needed: 2 



Description: The "Creative Workshop" (Atelier "Kreativwerkstatt"), is open to young artists, teachers, children, and young people. It offers participants various opportunities to develop their creative skills. The " Creative Workshop " operates in a project-oriented way and involves the participants in planning and implementing events and activities.

Type of Work: For a fortnight, young people from Switzerland - with and without a migration background - and up to twenty 18- to 30-year-olds will work together via ZOOM all from different countries on intercultural textual images, which will then accessible to a wide audience during a local exhibition in Switzerland. Together, the participants will create small-format wedge frames and will write their own short texts, poems, word collages, and more. Participants can use whatever materials and tools they have available, including brushes, pens, pencils, etc. 

Study Theme: During workshop discussions participants will deal with political, social and artistic questions. In the process, differences between cultures, but also commonalities, will be discussed. The different cultures present during the workshop will be made visible and tangible for the local population with the picture exhibition. This promotes mutual acceptance and tolerance. 

Time Commitment: There will be a zoom-session every day from approx 2.00 - 3.00pm GMT but these times for the online sessions will be finalised closer to the start of the project. 

Language: The group will speak English. 

Availability: Please note that there is limited availability for online projects, so we allocate these places on a first come, first served basis. 


  • Participants must be 18-30 years old.
  • You need to be a member of VSI to participate in this project. If you’re not yet a member, it’s easy to sign up - you can read more here, complete the membership form and pay your membership on this link (€20 for unwaged individuals, €40 for waged individuals). If you want to participate in one of our online projects but you are unable to pay the VSI membership fee, please let VSI know in confidence by emailing ivp@vsi.ie so we can help you to take part in the project.
  • You'll need a laptop (smartphones or tablets won't work) and a good internet connection that works with video calls for the project.
  • You'll need to send a motivation letter (just a short paragraph) to ivp@vsi.ie stating why you are interested in joining the project as well as confirming your availability to particpate throughout the whole project.
  • Finally, you'll need to fill out the application form below:

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