European Youth Week (EYW) is back for 2021!

Stay up to date on VSI News!

May 25, 2021


The Eurodesk Ireland Network is going to run a number of EWY network activities which means there will be many exciting events and inspiring sessions taking place across Ireland during the week 24th - 30 May! Eurodesk is a network of youth information organisations who are also part of the wider European network. They provide free information on opportunities-such as travelling, working, studying and volunteering in Europe for young people aged 13 - 30. 



But first, what is EYW? EYW helps create a space for dialogue and discussions on topics that are important to young people, and showcases European mobility and EU opportunities directly to young people and organisations in the youth sector. All Eurodesk network events and activities are focusing on the 2021 theme: ‘Our Future in Our Hands,’ which is all about engaging, connecting and empowering young people to face the future confidently to build a better, more sustainable world. All activities and events are pivoted towards topics and issues important to young people such as: 


  • Active Participation in Society 
  • Inclusion and Diversity  
  • Climate Change, Environmental Protection and Sustainability 
  • Health and Recovery  


Now for the most important question: What events and activities are happening in Ireland?  

There are so many exciting events and activities taking place across the country, both online and offline! These events are a great way to meet like-minded young people and make a change to the community, all while having some craic! Keep an eye on the Leargas website for more information and any event announcements near you. If you fancy taking part in some European-level events during the week, check out the EU official website to search for events and activities.   


Youth Information Online Chat Service (24th -30th May) 

As part of EYW, Youth Information Online Chat Service will be answering questions and offering support to anyone interested in finding out more about all the European Opportunities available to you, such as volunteering, education and employment - all through ‘YI Chat’! YI Chat is super easy to use and works just like Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger. The other handy thing about ‘YI Chat’ is that they will link you up with your local Eurodesk Multiplier for additional local supports. The Chat Service is open to 16-25 year olds, parents and people who work with young people. 

The chat service can be accessed here and will be live every day from 4pm to 8pm (Mon-Fri). But you can also leave a message at any time and receive a reply by email. 

For more information email Julie Kelleher at or phone 0861301383 

YI Chat is an online chat service as part of a collaboration programme between Youth Work IrelandYMCA IrelandCrosscare and


'Healthy Connections in a Disconnected World' Photography Competition (24th - 30th May)  

As part of the joint collaboration of Youth Work Ireland - TipperaryClare Youth Services, and Voluntary Service International (VSI), we are organising a week-long online photography competition for young people aged 13 - 30. The competition is called 'Healthy Connections in a Disconnected World.' and focuses on the theme, Health and Recovery with a link to young people’s mental health.  

We are inviting young people to take a photo that reflects how they stay connected, whether it be to themselves, to others, or to nature in today's crazy world. It's really easy to enter, just fill in your details here in this application form and send your photo to All entries related to the theme will be accepted and exhibited in an online Padlet exhibition. The padlet will take the form of a map of Ireland so be sure to tell them where you took the photo so it can be put on the map!  

The 6 best entries will each win one 50E One4All vouchers! Winners will be announced after the application closing date (28th May).  

For more information contact Maria at or phone 083 024 6156  

Our Future is in your hands


Discover EU Workshops 

Limerick Youth Service is organising a super helpful series of information sessions on EU-related themes, supports and opportunities such as volunteering, studying, training and working in the European Union. The workshops are open to all and are taking place in-person. The different sessions are running on:  

  • Monday, May 24th 11:30hrs & 13:30hrs (1hour)      
  • Tuesday, May 25th 11:30hrs & 13:30hrs (1hour) 
  • Wednesday, May 26th 13.00 - 14.00hrs (online session)  
  • Friday, May 28th. 17:30-18:30hrs (1 hour)  

To register for the online session (May 26th) click here. For more information contact Dermot at or phone 083-1726898 or contact the youth information team at or call/text 083-1726898. 




Irish Eurodesk Ambassador European Mobility Workshop  

The Irish Eurodesk Ambassadors will host an interactive workshop on European Mobility and EU opportunities. They will share their own personal experiences and provide information and advice on what services and supports you can find and how to apply to different projects like Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps! They will also provide an overview of who/what Eurodesk is and what the Ambassadors themselves are about. Date and time to be confirmed.  


For more information contact Katarzyna at or phone 085 250 9635  



‘Europe’ Poetry Competition 

Limerick Youth Service is organising a poetry competition with ‘Europe’ as the theme. They are inviting young people to get creative and write a short poem about Europe and what it means to them. The competition will run throughout EYW.  

For more information contact Dermot at or phone 083-1726898 or contact the youth information team at or call/text 083-1726898. 


Our Fair Planet  

Clare Youth Service is organising a community initiative as part of the Our Fair Planet programme. A group of young people will be encouraged to plan and carry out an initiative of their own choosing related to the themes of EYW. The event will run online with a possibility of an outdoor action. It is open to young people from Clare aged 12-25. Date and time to be confirmed.  

For more information contact Rachel at or phone 085 8726 293 




European Youth Week Nights 

Youth Work Ireland - Tipperary will host a fun quiz night for youth club members to learn about Europe. They will also host an event on the European Solidarity Corps with returned volunteer Natasha on the topic of volunteering abroad. There will be a wellness evening, a climate quiz via Zoom and a cooking class to make a dessert from Fair Trade ingredients. Date and time to be confirmed.  

For more information contact Pauline at or phone 0877726777  


KDYS Citizen's Jury - Sustainable Fashion 

If you’re interested in sustainable fashion and climate action, look no further! Kerry Diocesan Youth Service is organising this exciting event in collaboration with Limerick Youth ServiceYouth Work Ireland Tipperary, among others. The event is styled as a citizen's jury with open conversations about the problems, solutions and resolutions associated with the fast fashion industry in relation to climate action.  

There will also be a sustainable fashion expert speaking about their personal experiences with sustainable fashion as well as the small steps we can all take to become more sustainable. 

This event is open to all young people aged 16 - 25 and is taking place online on May 26th at 7pm – 8.30pm.  

For more information contact Anne Murphy at  


Employment in Europe Resource 

Have you ever considered living and working in another European Country but didn’t know where to start or what opportunities or supports were out there? If yes, make sure you check out this resource! There are so many job opportunities across Europe, it’s just a matter of finding one you like best! Download a guide all about working in Europe, and find out who can support you in your job search.   

This ‘Work in Europe’ Resource was designed to encourage more young people to explore the options available to them. This Resource was designed by the Crosscare Youth Information team in conjunction with the launch of the European Employment Podcasts organised by The Europe Direct Centre at Blanchardstown Library which, provides information to the public about the EU as well as answering EU related queries.   




So, that’s the line-up for EYW! I think it’s pretty good, if you ask me! Definitely be sure to check out the events and connect with other young people all across Ireland. It’s a great opportunity, make the most of it!  


To find out more about these events, contact




WhatsApp Image 2021-05-18 at 10.19.09

This article was written by Maria. Maria is a Eurodesk Ambassador who is currently volunteering as an in-country European Solidarity Corps volunteer with Voluntary Services International. Maria is their Communications and Marketing Officer who manages VSI’s social media accounts and communications channels. Maria has gained some invaluable insights and the position has raised her awareness of social justice, intercultural understanding and active citizenship.