Maria's ESC journey with VSI has come to a close!

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November 8, 2021


A year has flown by right in front of my eyes, and I can’t quite believe my ESC journey has come to an end with VSI. While I write this I’m finding it quite hard to describe how I feel about my time with VSI, and more specifically with Helen and Aine, and to put those feelings into words that make some sort of logical sense. I have to begin by saying a BIG thank you to the two (three, counting the lovely Mateja!) incredible women behind VSI. I want to make clear my gratitude for being able to get to know you both professionally and personally over the past year. Without your friendship, support and collaboration, my time here would not have been the same, and that I know for sure. 

VSI Staff team with Mateja 19 OCTOBER 2021 First in person meet up

Thank you for giving me a professional and ‘virtual’ space to call home. During our time working together, you became more of a family of sorts than just an ordinary group of co-workers. Like any great family, you encouraged me, assisted me, and helped me be better at what I do. Thank you for sharing the triumphs and the tribulations; working with you has been a true privilege. And I must say, I am forever thankful for having the pleasure of you all gifting me the presence of Larry David at my virtual birthday surprise. What an honour! 

When I first began working with VSI I felt quite nervous, but excited at the same time. The opportunity had come up at time when I felt unsure of where I stood with myself and my future, and the continuous stream of lockdowns were not helping to ease that feeling. I appreciated the opportunity to self-develop and meet new people at a time when that felt impossible. I saw it as a mental escape from the immediate reality of being stuck inside with no real opportunity to grow. It was exciting to become part of a national and international community of organisations and individuals, all while sharing my day-to-day adventure with Aine and Helen by my side. I loved that I was able to get stuck into a new role and learn new things that were completely outside of my comfort zone, even while only working remotely. I think that’s one of the things that has resonated with me the most; just how much I have learnt from my time with VSI and how much I can take away with me for the future. This experience has been invaluable to me, and was made even better by the friends I made along the way. I feel very lucky to have been given this opportunity. 

I know this isn’t quite a goodbye, just more of a ‘see you later,’ but I am both sad at the thought of this chapter closing but excited for a new one to begin. 

So once again, thank you to VSI, but especially thank you Helen.

P.S.I bid you adieu. (If you know, you know). 

Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 12.24.01

Maria's last day with the VSI staff team!