Online Wikipedia for Peace Project: Women‘s Suffrage

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December 4, 2020


*This project is now full*

There is another wonderful opportunity to volunteer with SCI  Switzerland online! 

Project dates: 1 to 7 February 2021

Wikipedia for Peace Womens Suffrage Online Project

Description: Throughout the 19th and 20th century, women around the world have fought for their right to participate in elections. Women in Switzerland were the last in Western Europe, gaining suffrage on 7 February 1971, 50 years ago. And still today, women in some parts of the world are not able to vote, even when men are. In this online project, which is part of the bigger “Wikipedia for Peace” project and a cooperation between SCI and Wikimedia Switzerland, you will get to know Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. You will also learn about the feminist movement and inspiring activists within it!

Type of Work: Doing research for Wikipedia articles online about women‘s suffrage and feminism, writing new articles and improving existing ones. The project organizers will prepare a list of articles around people and topics that are related to the project topics.  Every day the group of volunteers and organizers will meet on Zoom for about 3 hours (in the afternoon, CET). And in the mornings you can work individually or in small groups. You don’t have to have knowledge on Wikipedia already. 

Study Theme: There will be a big emphasis on studying in this project. Volunteers will learn how to write good Wikipedia articles. They will learn about the principles behind Wikimedia projects as well as free licences/open content philosophy in general. They will learn about the history of women‘s suffrage and feminism. They will get to know more about amazing people that fought or are fighting for women‘s suffrage - through their own research, through exchange with other participants and through external inputs.

Here you can find the meta page of the Wikipedia for Peace projects: and here is a video from a previous Wikipedia for Peace project with SCI Switzerland, to get inspired :) 

Language: English is the main language used during the group meetings. You can write Wikipedia articles in any language you want. We encourage you to write in your native language. Most of the materials in the archives are in English, German, French and Spanish, but also in lots of other languages.


  • You need to be a member of VSI to participate in this project. If you’re not yet a member, it’s easy to sign up - you can read more herecomplete the membership form and pay your membership on this link (€20 for unwaged individuals, €40 for waged individuals). 
  • You'll need a laptop (smartphones or tablets won't work) and a good internet connection that works with video calls for the project.
  • You'll need to send a motivation letter (just a short paragraph) to stating why you are interested in Wikipedia and in working on Wikipedia articles about women's rights, as well as confirming your availability to particpate throughout the whole project.
  • Finally, you'll need to fill out the application form below:

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