Say No to NATO

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March 18, 2025

Country: The Netherlands 

Date: 15th – 23rd June 2025 

Number of Volunteers: 8  

Age: 18 and over 

Project Code: NL-VIA 4.1 

About the project: This years NATO summit will be held in The Hague, the so called ´City of Peace´. However, Secretary-General Rutte recently stated that "we must prepare for war" and that significant investments in defense are necessary. In response to this, a coalition of peace organizations in the Netherlands, along with the international No-to-NATO coalition, has come together to organize a powerful counter-summit on June 21-22, just before the NATO summit. 

Their mission is to prepare for peace, with the primary goal of dismantling NATO. Our branch in the Netherlands, VIA-NL, has also joined the effort and will provide logistical support for both the counter-summit (aiming for 250 participants) and the demonstration (aiming for 1,000 participants). 

Type of Work: Volunteers will play a vital role in preparing for the counter-summit. Their tasks will include painting banners, designing creative action formats, and assisting with venue setup and cooking. Volunteers will also help distribute flyers and posters, manage last-minute publicity efforts, and possibly contribute to writing international press releases. During the large demonstration, volunteers will be involved in building and dismantling the stage, stewarding the event, and ensuring the safety and smooth operation of the demonstration. 

Volunteers will have the opportunity to attend a series of workshops on topics such as new security strategies, NATO’s war agenda and responses, the arms trade, and the future of the peace movement. There will also be a focus on the role of art in fostering peace and promoting demilitarization, with creative workshops in writing, music, dance, and more. 

Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in either a youth hostel, scouts building or a community centre.

Volunteer Requirements: No requirements needed. 

No application deadline, open until all spaces are filled.    

More info and how to apply  

This project is part of VSI’s International Volunteer Projects (IVP) programme, a unique form of values-based volunteering that brings together people from around the world to work on short-term projects with local communities. More info on the programme here.      

1. Apply online on the SCI international website   

Please note: When you click on the links below you will leave the VSI website and go to the website of Service Civil International (SCI) VSI is the Irish branch of SCI.   

Application is through our international online placement system. You need to register on the website to apply: How to Apply    

View this project on our international database here: Say No to NATO project!

View other available projects on the: SCI database    

The projects listed on the database are managed by SCI branches and partners across Europe, the project titles and descriptions are generally written by non-native English speakers, so please excuse us if some of them are hard-to-understand or use unusual language! The database serves over 130 organisations in more than 90 countries worldwide!  

2. Pay the project fee - return to this page and follow the links below   

VSI is a small charity and we charge a fee (€55 - €155) to volunteer on our projects, this includes food, accommodation, basic insurance whilst on the project and VSI annual membership. Volunteers pay for their own travel to the country and internal travel to/from the projects and any visa fees.  


Project in Europe:  

Project Waged €155  

Project Unwaged €105  

Click here to pay the project fee  

Please note, some of the descriptions mention an additional fee (of €50.00) when applying through non-SCI organisations, VSI is an SCI branch and this additional fee does not apply.   

No fundraising is needed to volunteer on our projects.     

If you have any questions or would like more info on a project, please contact us at