SCI Germany-International Art Project Online

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January 19, 2022


SCI Germany are looking for volunteers to take part in their online International Art Project. 

Project Dates: 04 March 2022 to 18 March 2022 

Volunteers Needed: 2 


Description: During the pandemic, SCI Germany carried out two art projects in Germany. Now they are getting creative internationally! First, project volunteers will meet online before going out into nature to look for natural materials, or individually work artistically at home.  Volunteers paint, write, draw, glue and photograph with simple materials and media. They will use water colours, pencils, old newspapers, papers, glue, natural materials and their mobiles.  

Time Commitment: There will be a kick-off meeting on March 4th from 5-7 pm German Time. Further meetings are on March 9th, on March 14th, and March 18th, for 2 hours each. Volunteers can continue their project work individually in their own time, but this will be flexible.  

Type of Work: Volunteers will work outdoors and indoors in a creative way. For the joint as well as the individual work, you will receive advice and inspiration for your work. The project will put volunteers’ creations on a cloud or a Padlet, sharing them with each other.  

Study Themes: Community, Nature, Environmentalism, Art, Creativity 

Language: English 

Availability: Please note that there is limited availability for online projects, so we allocate these places on a first come, first served basis. 


  • Volunteers must be open-minded and open for new perspective. Previous artistic experience is not necessary.  
  • You'll need a laptop (smartphones or tablets won't work) and a good internet connection that works with video calls for the project. Knowledge of Microsoft office necessary, knowledge of transcription tools is a bonus.
  • Willingness to participate reliably for the entire duration   
  • You'll need to send a motivation statement (just 2-3 sentences) to stating why you are interested in joining the project as well as confirming your availability to participate throughout the whole project. 

  • You need to be a member of VSI to participate in this project. If you’re not yet a member, it’s easy to sign up - you can read more herecomplete the membership form and pay your membership (€20 for unwaged individuals, €40 for waged individuals). If you want to participate in one of our online projects but you are unable to pay the VSI membership fee, please let VSI know in confidence by emailing so we can help you to take part in the project.

  • Finally, you'll need to fill out the application form below: 


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