February 27, 2023
It’s the last day of the AGENDA 2030 seminar with SCI Madrid. Aine and Jacky represented VSI at the seminar, alongside 20 young people from organisations in Armenia, Ukraine, Italy, Spain, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Switzerland. Here are their reflections from the project:
We’ve spent the last week working together to better understand the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), how they are connected and how we can work towards them in our personal lives and through our various NGOs. The 17 SDGs are a call to action to create a more fair, prosperous and sustainable world for people and planet, all by 2030. Our progress towards the goals will affect both present and future generations.
At the beginning of the week, the SDGs seemed overwhelming and achieving them within the next 8 years felt an impossible task. However, we have found hope in the discovery that simple existing solutions can create progress towards multiple SDGs. Renewable energies, for example, which lower our carbon emissions, improve air quality, and help reduce energy poverty, contributing to Good Health and Well-being, Climate Action, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and more! Achieving the Goals will require both big and small actions, on a local, national and international level. During the seminar, we each designed a project which we can implement with our organisations. Although our projects are small and focus on just one issue at a local level, they all contribute to multiple SDGs.
It was interesting to learn about the policies and projects that the represented countries are implementing to help achieve the SDGs, and to hear how the SDGs are perceived in different places. In every country, there are still many people who have not heard of the SDGs or who do not understand or believe in their importance. It is clear that there is still much to do in terms of awareness raising, as we can only achieve the SDGs if everyone is behind them! It’s hopeful to think of all of the participants in the seminar bringing their learning home and spreading the word among their family, friends and communities.
There is still a long way to go, but this week has shown us that if we continue to work together we can achieve a better and more sustainable future for all!
Is é an lá deiridh de sheimineár AGENDA 2030 le SCI Madrid. Rinne Áine agus Jacky ionadaíocht do VSI ag an seimineár, in éineacht le 20 duine óg ó eagraíochtaí san Airméin, san Úcráin, san Iodáil, sa Spáinn, i Montainéagró. Bhí sé suimiúil foghlaim faoi na beartais agus na tionscadail atá á gcur i bhfeidhm ag na tíortha a bhfuil ionadaíocht á déanamh acu chun cabhrú leis na Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe a bhaint amach agus éisteacht leis an gcaoi a bhfuil na Forbróirí Inbhuanaithe. Tá bealach fada fós le dul, ach léirigh an tseachtain seo dúinn má leanaimid ar aghaidh ag obair le chéile, gur féidir linn todhchaí níos fearr agus níos inbhuanaithe a bhaint amach do chách!
Jacky and Aine, VSI Volunteers