VSI Remembers Diarmaid McGarrigle

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August 31, 2022

It is with great sadness that we are informing you that Diarmaid McGarrigle died suddenly but peacefully, on 25th August. Diarmaid recently retired from Glebe House, our partner and IVP host organisation in Strangford and he was involved in IVS, our former branch in Northern Ireland. We will miss Diarmaid as a friend, colleague and volunteer who devoted his life to international voluntary service. RIP Diarmaid. Listen to Diarmaid discuss his lifelong love of volunteering here

Diarmaid McGarrigle

"Sad news for those who work for a more just and peaceful world. Diarmaid dedicated his life to the cause of bringing people together to foster understanding. He will be missed in, Glebe House Hct, Derry, Donegal and in the hearts of his family and friends from north and south of Ireland and throughout the wider world" – Tom Ryder, former VSI CEO.