VSI's Youth for Climate Justice Project and Next Steps - an Update

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September 28, 2021


One of the next steps for our original 'Youth for Climate Justice' project back in July was to support participants to organise and facilitate their own climate justice workshop, bringing all the knowledge and skills they learnt during our 'Youth for Climate Justice' Project to deliver their very own independent workshop, which is exactly what took place today on Tuesday 28th September! 

Before the workshop took place, we organised an online facilitation skills training for 3 selected participants and arranged preparatory meetings with Aine and Maria to provide the participants with guidance on the content and structure of their workshop and answer any questions or doubts they had about facilitating. 

The 3 hour interactive workshop was called, 'The Inequalities of Climate Change,' in which we looked at the climate crisis from a human-centred perspective, focusing on the inequalities created by climate change, nationally and globally. The event was a great success, and it was so nice to see all the work that our facilitators put in before the workshop, come to fruition. They are natural born facilitators! 

On the day, some activities included a well-rounded introduction into the concept of climate justice, how it differs from climate change, and the different inequalities that exist because of climate change; a padlet silent exhibition; an exploration of the inequalities of climate change through 'Parata,' a role-play activity in which participants had to develop characters and react accordingly to different situations to highlight deeply-rooted inequities between class, race, gender and much more; an invitation to think more about the human-centered approach to Climate Justice by asking them to think of climate solutions that are also social justice solutions. We had them focus on gender equality, greener cities and indigeneous communities through the use of a padlet; and a utopia visualisation in which participants were asked to draw pictures of their utopian future and how it would incorporate both climate and social justice solutions; and many lively discussions in between! 

We are beyond proud of their work and motivation! 


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Aine and Maria with the three facilitators doing some last minute preparation work before the workshop.


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Group image of the facilitators and participants on the day of the workshop. 


If you're interested in learning more about climate justice and don't know where to start, take a peak at our Library of Resources and Actions for inspiration: https://tinyurl.com/b9h486sx


Alternatively, if you're looking for ways to join the climate justice movement and become an activist, we have compiled a useful resource to help you do just that - see here for more information on our 'Next Steps in Activism' padlet. 


We greatly appreciate the funding from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth under their Youth Climate Justice Fund 2021 for Youth Service Grant Scheme recipients for this project.

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